Luis Marconi

Toggle blinking animations

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                                                            © 2024    
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                                    © 2024  
About Experience Contact

$ whoami|

Hello, I'm Luis Marconi :)

I am currently working as a Software Developer @ Mercado Livre

In addition to Full Stack development, I have been working with Platform Engineering, CI/CD and Cloud Infrastructure.

Here are some of the technologies I feel very comfortable with:

  • JavaScript JavaScript, Go Go, Python Python, C C, Vue Vue.js
  • SQL and NoSQL Databases
  • Testing and CI/CD automation
  • Containerization with Docker and Kubernetes

I'm also a music fanatic, pizza lover, videogame enthusiast and collector.

$ experience|

Mercado Livre 2024 - Current

Backend Development - Golang

Internal tools and APIs for the Customer Experience area

Go (golang), REST APIs, Cloud, Datadog, Kibana

CI&T 2021 - 2024

Second project

Platform Engineering - IDP

Building an IDP for multiple teams, speeding up development and defining standards

GitOps, IaC, K8S, Azure Cloud, Shell, CI/CD, Backstage and more

First project

FullStack Development, CI/CD

B2B Web and App, NoSQL, Microservices and monitoring

Led the Software Quality Chapter in my last months

Java, Node, Vue.js, Python and more

Rota das Oficinas 2020 - 2021

FullStack Development, CI/CD, AWS, APIs, SQL

After-sales automation, management system and Web pages

C#, Angular, JS, SQL and more

Mail me: [email protected]